Directed by

Hanna Bondarewska

"The principal actors do a bangup job of adding wit, personal trauma, and wild eccentricity to the action, particularly John Stange as the wildly mood-swinging Walpurg..." -- Terry Ponick, DC Theatre Scene

"...Stange brings a warm, strange humor to his portrayal of the straitjacketed, insane poet who oscillates between sarcastic cheeriness and paranoia, sometimes by merely redirecting the distance of his gaze." --Charlotte Asmuth, MD Theatre Guide

Photo by Magda Pinkowska
Also Pictured
Jenny Donovan
Photo by Magda Pinkowska
Also Pictured
James Randle,
Jen Bevan,
Mary Suib,
Jenny Donovan,
Ivan Zizek,
David Berkenbilt
Photo by Magda Pinkowska